Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Science VS Pseudoscience

Science as defined by Websters dictionary is "the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena." But it is so much more than that. Science is where we get all of our reasoning from. It helps us understand the world that we live in. Science is divided into two main subdivisions: Natural Science and Social Science. Natural Science is the study of natural phenomena (biology, chemistry, physics). Social Science is the study of human behavior and societies (psychology, sociology). Science is based off of facts and ideas that have been tested and proven. Scientist start with the facts and draw conclusions from them.

Pseudoscience on the other hand takes conclusions and attempts to find facts to back it up. Pseudoscience is all about guessing. It has no concrete evidence supporting it. Pseudosciences are often based on or about ideology, culture, or commercial goals. If someone were to find a flaw or some information that contradicted or showed that the original idea was wrong; then that evidence would either be ignored or suppressed. When someone explains a pseudoscience, it is often vague and confusing. Some prime examples are palm reading, astrology, and intelligent design (type of evolution theory).

I was suprised to see how bad pseudosciences could be. They have the nerve to find out information that conflicts with their conclusion and they ignore it. People who are in the pseudoscience field are ignorant, ranting fools. They should be forced to be janitors and DMV workers the rest of their lives!


bill0702 said...

I like your expressions and depth into the topic. As a reader, I could really tell what you where feeling and thinking at the same time.

NHellTull2552 said...

Great post! Great Post! The Comic strip was totally necessary and your concluding statement at the bottom. I agree with it 100%. Very useful information also.

The one and only

Jme said...

Great job telling the differences between the two. Loved the cartoon it really emphasized the difference between science and psuedoscience. It is really shocking that they would disregard contradicting information.

MS. Eder said...

So where would you classify philosophy? Science or psuedoscience? Good job!

Keri said...

I loved your post JB. It was great. The comic strip was a great way to explain both in simple terms. I also liked your closing statement. It made me laugh. Nice job.


RachelA said...

You make things easier to understand...unlike some ppl!! I love the way you took the information and presented the facts.

p.s. Great cartoon.

jb7645 said...
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Lindsey said...

I liked your blog a lot. It put the comparison in a new light. Since you paired natural science and social sciences together, does that mean you believe that social sciences are actually science? What is your reasoning behind such a conclusion? I thought it was an excellent idea to include the comic strip. It was great.